These are a few of my favourite things....

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Goodbye Burger world hello PRIMARK!!!!!!

Well after my first fortnight working in the wonderful world of Primark it has actually been OK. I moaned and groaned about it at first saying i hated it it but in the end i decided to give it a chance. It is ALOT different to flipping burgers and coming home stinking of grease (although now i come home covered in glitter and thread).

I am working on lingerie, PJ's and beach wear. Many customers have said to me "Eeee pet you must be sick of folding all the clothes then people coming over and messing it up". Hahaha yes it is annoying, but hey i did it myself when i was just one of those thoughtless primani customers.

My favourite section to work on is the knicker tables which all the other staff hate, but there is something about it which relaxes me and passes the time quicker.

The only thing about the job that really gets me down is the fact that i work Monday to Friday 5pm till 9pm at the Metrocentre, and it gets tiring, however i do get every weekend off. Hmmm what do you think do you think it is worth me working ever weekday and getting the weekend off?. Let me no your opinions.

Anyway if you happen to be in the Metrocentre, please do pop into see me playing in the hundreds of knickers.

P.S. To all Primani shoppers please do give a little thought to the staff when you can see that they have just folded a whole table of jarmie bottoms, please do try to put them back as neatly as you can thank you :).

x X x

1 comment:

  1. Hey Wendy, great post. I'm pleased you feel better now you've hit the fashion industry. I was so glad to leave catering too. Never again..

    It particularly amused me that fact you take working in the underwear section as relaxing. Are there many 'Are You Being Served' moments?

    Why don't Primark pick up these wellington boots I found? :

    Thanks, from the Rutland correspondent
