These are a few of my favourite things....

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

First,second and third chances!

Why is it that when we know we have a second chance at something we don't do our best the first time round. Then why is it when we know we have a third chance we still don't do our best?. I am writing this blog as this is the situation I am in at the minute.

I promised myself that last year I would do so much better in my second year at uni, where as a matter of fact I have done a thousand times worse.

At first i thought yes Wendy you are doing well, and then it all went down hill from there. Is it true that some people have natural talent to these things, and without working hard, excel in everything, or do they all really study through the reading list, make notes every lesson and do the extra 100 hours of personal study?.

I think I have messed up big style. In fact I know I have.

My fellow peers I don't think I will be joining you on your road to success, and seeing you all graduate, as I have took the dead end road and will need to start my mission all over again.

I want everyone who reads this to know how important it is to study hard, not leave essays till the last minute and to attend all lectures. Otherwise you will end up like me! A girl who has know idea what the future holds, and a BIG FAT LOSER!

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